Sponsor an Omniathon
(Omnia’s XR Hackathons)

Hackathons are a great way for brands to develop XR proof-of-concepts at a fraction of the cost

What’s a hackathon?

A hackathon, also known as a codefest, is a social coding event that brings computer programmers and other interested people together to improve upon or build a new software program. The word hackathon is a portmanteau of the words hacker, which means clever programmer, and marathon, an event marked by endurance.

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Augmented Reality (AR) - OmniathonLogoOneAugmented Reality (AR) - OmniathonLogoTwoAugmented Reality (AR) - OmniathonLogoThreeAugmented Reality (AR) - OmniathonLogoFourAugmented Reality (AR) - OmniathonLogoFiveAugmented Reality (AR) - OmniathonLogoSix

Our events


Emerging Developers, CS Students

Total Attendees

A remarkable 35 attendees gathered to rock the Hackathon scene!


Start Building for the new Spatial Computing Age


Chicago, IL, USA at Drive Capital (biggest VC Firm in the Midwest)

Why Brands should sponsor an Omniathon

Develop multiple Proof-of-concepts (POCs) at a fraction of the cost for any platform, device and development environment

Access & preview all of the projects developed during the event from a custom gallery accessible by anyone

Get additional discounts on your project if you decide to refine and develop further any of the POCs made during the hackathon

Have your branded service be promoted on industry-leading publications weeks after the end of the event

We use the Omnia platform to facilitate activities

Uploading your project to be submitted for voting is easy. You can access it in two ways:

  • From your dashboard by clicking on Upload your hackathon project
  • From the content feed / gallery by clicking on the hackathon thumbnails on the right side of the page
Augmented Reality (AR) - How to open Hackathon help

Once you have clicked either one of the previous methods, you have to input the unique code to access the uploading section. The code will be given to you by an Omnia representative.

Augmented Reality (AR) - how to upload project in Hackathon

Our sponsorship packages

5%-off Omnia fees for projects

Good option for smaller brands with limited number of services
Develop a min of 5 proof-of-concepts
Development of dedicated branded project gallery (public or private)

10%-off Omnia fees for projects

Good option for brands that have services in different industries or online / offline components
Develop a min of 8 proof-of-concepts
Development of dedicated branded project gallery (public or private)
PHOTO Report of the event with recordings of the presentations
Promotional Campaigns for a week after the event on AR Insider & Forbes

15%-off Omnia fees for projects

Best option for brands that want to rely on AR/VR as their main marketing channel are usually Enterprise customers with millions of users
Develop a min of 10 proof-of-concepts
Custom AR Strategy presentation for developers
Development of dedicated branded project gallery (public or private)
PHOTO Report of the event with recordings of the presentations
Promotional Campaigns for a week after the event on AR Insider & Forbes
Custom posters for each project developed (w. XR activations)
Omnia x Company X T-Shirt SWAG

*NOTE: If you decide to refine or keep developing a certain POC from the hackathon you can use Omnia as your go-to ordering solution. You will work with the same developer that has worked on your POC and get the discount indicated on any project management fees.

You can always attend as a:

Guest Speaker
Mentor for developers
General Attendee